3 results

39 Paresthesia After Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block and Infiltration Anesthesia for Implant Surgery on Mandibular Left First Premolar
Ji-Hun Jo, Kang-Hee Lee, Nam-Sim Pang, Wonse Park, Kee-Deog Kim, Bock-Young Jung
KMSID: 1084353   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2013;13(2):39-44.   Published online 2016 May 27    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2013.13.2.39
45 Management of Gastrointestinal Foreign Body Ingested during Dental Procedure
Nan-Sim Pang, Kang-Hee Lee, Young Jin Kim, Bock-Young Jung
KMSID: 1084354   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2013;13(2):45-49.   Published online 2016 May 27    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2013.13.2.45
51 Massive Epistaxis during Nasotracheal Intubation
Dae-Geun Jeon, Jaegyok Song, Seok-Kon Kim, Seung-Heon Ji
KMSID: 1084355   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2013;13(2):51-54.   Published online 2016 May 27    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2013.13.2.51
Articles from Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology are provided here courtesy of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthsiology