5 results

209 The Survey and Evaluation of CPR Skill in Dental Students
Kwang-Suk Seo, Jung-Man Lee, Kyoung Ah Cho, Hyun-Jeong Kim, Teo Jeon Shin, Hong-Keun Hyun, Young-Jae Kim, Jeong-Wook Kim, Ki-Taeg Jang, Sang-Hoon Lee, Chong-Chul Kim
KMSID: 1143373   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2012;12(4):209-214.   Published online 2016 May 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2012.12.4.209
215 Syncope and Unconsciousness after Intravenous Injection of Antibiotics in Patient with Cerebrovascular Accident: Report of a Case
Jae-Ha Yoo, Jeong-Seog Son, Jong-Bae Kim
KMSID: 1084322   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2012;12(4):215-221.   Published online 2016 May 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2012.12.4.215
223 Use of Midazolam Intranasal Spray for Dental Treatment of Autism Patients
Young-Gyun Song, Suk Young Lee, Seung-Oh Kim
KMSID: 1084323   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2012;12(4):223-227.   Published online 2016 May 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2012.12.4.223
229 Dental Treatment of Child with Hemophilia
Ji Eun Lim, Soo Eon Lee, Hyo Jung Ahn, Jae-Hong Park, Sung Chul Choi
KMSID: 1084324   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2012;12(4):229-233.   Published online 2016 May 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2012.12.4.229
235 Use of Laryngeal Mask Airway in Sevoflurane Sedation for the Difficult Airway
Tae-Min You, Re-Mee Doh, Young-Gyun Song, Seung-Oh Kim
KMSID: 1084325   J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol. 2012;12(4):235-241.   Published online 2016 May 30    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17245/jkdsa.2012.12.4.235
Articles from Journal of the Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology are provided here courtesy of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthsiology