247 |
Stimulation of fracture Healing by Low-Intensity Pulsing UltrasoundStimulation of fracture Healing by Low-Intensity Pulsing Ultrasound
Kyu Hyun Yang, Chong Hyuk Choi, Jae Ho ChoKyu Hyun Yang, Chong Hyuk Choi, Jae Ho Cho
KMSID: 1077569 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):247-253. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.247 |
254 |
Complications of Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing for the Humeral Shaft FracturesComplications of Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing for the Humeral Shaft Fractures
Choong Gil Lee, Jin Woo Kwon, Kyoung Tae sohn, Seung Ho Shin, Jong Cheon ParkChoong Gil Lee, Jin Woo Kwon, Kyoung Tae sohn, Seung Ho Shin, Jong Cheon Park
KMSID: 1077570 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):254-261. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.254 |
262 |
The Effect of Dynamization After Static Intelocking Intramedullary NailingThe Effect of Dynamization After Static Intelocking Intramedullary Nailing
Kyoo Seog shin, Jong Soon Kim, Kong Wha Lee, Jin Hwan SeoKyoo Seog shin, Jong Soon Kim, Kong Wha Lee, Jin Hwan Seo
KMSID: 1077571 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):262-268. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.262 |
273 |
Operative Treatment of the Displaced Clavicle Shaft Fracture in AdultOperative Treatment of the Displaced Clavicle Shaft Fracture in Adult
Ig Gon Kim, Jae Hyek Kim, Chul Hyun Kim, Ryong HwangIg Gon Kim, Jae Hyek Kim, Chul Hyun Kim, Ryong Hwang
KMSID: 1077572 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):273-280. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.273 |
281 |
Treatment of the Femoral Shaft Fractures with Interlocking Compression NailTreatment of the Femoral Shaft Fractures with Interlocking Compression Nail
Sung Taek Jung, Taek Rim Yoon, Jong Keun SeonSung Taek Jung, Taek Rim Yoon, Jong Keun Seon
KMSID: 1077574 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):281-287. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.281 |
288 |
Treatment of Acetabular Fractures -Comparison of Conservative Treatment and Surgical Treatment According to AO Comprehensive Classification-Treatment of Acetabular Fractures -Comparison of Conservative Treatment and Surgical Treatment According to AO Comprehensive Classification-
Chang Hyuk choi, Koing Woo Kwun, shin Kun Kim, Sang Wook Lee, seung Hee KimChang Hyuk choi, Koing Woo Kwun, shin Kun Kim, Sang Wook Lee, seung Hee Kim
KMSID: 1077575 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):288-295. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.288 |
296 |
Recovery of Walking Ability After Operation for Unstable Intertrochanteric fractures of the Femur in Elderly. -Timing on weight Bearing-Recovery of Walking Ability After Operation for Unstable Intertrochanteric fractures of the Femur in Elderly. -Timing on weight Bearing-
Deuk Soo Hwang, Hyun Tae Jung, Sang Beom Kim, Jin soo KimDeuk Soo Hwang, Hyun Tae Jung, Sang Beom Kim, Jin soo Kim
KMSID: 1077576 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):296-303. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.296 |
304 |
Clinical Analysis of Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head following femoral Neck FractureClinical Analysis of Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head following femoral Neck Fracture
You Sung Suh, Kyung Dae Min, Byung Joon Shin, Byung Ill Lee, Yeon Ill Kim, Soo Kyun Rah, Chang Uk ChoiYou Sung Suh, Kyung Dae Min, Byung Joon Shin, Byung Ill Lee, Yeon Ill Kim, Soo Kyun Rah, Chang Uk Choi
KMSID: 1077577 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):304-312. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.304 |
313 |
Clinical Results of Cemented Bipolar Arthroplasty in Femur Neck Fractures over 70 YearsClinical Results of Cemented Bipolar Arthroplasty in Femur Neck Fractures over 70 Years
Hyung Ku Yoon, Ho Seung Jeon, Kye Nam Cho, Jong Wha YiHyung Ku Yoon, Ho Seung Jeon, Kye Nam Cho, Jong Wha Yi
KMSID: 1077578 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):313-320. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.313 |
321 |
A Clinical Comparision of Multiple Pinning With Bipolar Endoprosthesis of the Femoral Neck Fractures in the Elderly PatientsA Clinical Comparision of Multiple Pinning With Bipolar Endoprosthesis of the Femoral Neck Fractures in the Elderly Patients
Jae Ik Lee, Myung Hwan Son, Jae Hong Park, Kang Hoon KimJae Ik Lee, Myung Hwan Son, Jae Hong Park, Kang Hoon Kim
KMSID: 1077579 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):321-327. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.321 |
328 |
Treatment of Femoral Shaft Fracture by Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing - Relative Analysis Between Closed Nailing and Open Nailing -Treatment of Femoral Shaft Fracture by Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing - Relative Analysis Between Closed Nailing and Open Nailing -
Jong Oh kim, Young Do KohJong Oh kim, Young Do Koh
KMSID: 1077580 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):328-336. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.328 |
337 |
Biomechanical Evaluation on Hooks Pattern of the Posterior Constructs in an Unstable Burst Fracture ModelBiomechanical Evaluation on Hooks Pattern of the Posterior Constructs in an Unstable Burst Fracture Model
Jae Won You, Tae Hong LimJae Won You, Tae Hong Lim
KMSID: 1077581 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):337-344. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.337 |
345 |
Operative Treatment of the Intercondyle of the Humerus in adultsOperative Treatment of the Intercondyle of the Humerus in adults
Hyun Dae Shin, Kwang Jin Rhee, June Kyu Lee, Won Sok Lee, Seung Jin LeeHyun Dae Shin, Kwang Jin Rhee, June Kyu Lee, Won Sok Lee, Seung Jin Lee
KMSID: 1077583 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):345-353. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.345 |
354 |
A critical Analysis of Long-Term Result and Prognostic Factors of Fractures of the CalcaneusA critical Analysis of Long-Term Result and Prognostic Factors of Fractures of the Calcaneus
Ig Gon Kim, Jae Hyek Kim, Chul Hyun Kim, Jong Suck KimIg Gon Kim, Jae Hyek Kim, Chul Hyun Kim, Jong Suck Kim
KMSID: 1077584 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):354-361. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.354 |
362 |
The Results of Blair Ankle Fusion in Trauma and Disease Around the AnkleThe Results of Blair Ankle Fusion in Trauma and Disease Around the Ankle
Duke Whan Chung, Kang Il Kim, Byung Joo ParkDuke Whan Chung, Kang Il Kim, Byung Joo Park
KMSID: 1077585 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):362-370. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.362 |
371 |
Essex-Lopresti Axial Fixation for Intra-articular Calcaneal FracturesEssex-Lopresti Axial Fixation for Intra-articular Calcaneal Fractures
Young Do Koh, Jong Oh KimYoung Do Koh, Jong Oh Kim
KMSID: 1077586 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):371-377. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.371 |
378 |
Treatment of the Supracondylar and Intercondylar Fracture of the Humerus in AdultsTreatment of the Supracondylar and Intercondylar Fracture of the Humerus in Adults
Sang Won Park, Young Soo Byun, Ki Hoon Kang, Sang Won HanSang Won Park, Young Soo Byun, Ki Hoon Kang, Sang Won Han
KMSID: 1077587 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):378-383. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.378 |
390 |
Operative Treatments of the Tibial Pilon FracturesOperative Treatments of the Tibial Pilon Fractures
Duk Yong Lee, Jae Ik Shim, Taik Seon Kim, Sung Jong Lee, Suck Ha Lee, Dong Ki Lee, Yong Chan Lim, Jae Joon ShinDuk Yong Lee, Jae Ik Shim, Taik Seon Kim, Sung Jong Lee, Suck Ha Lee, Dong Ki Lee, Yong Chan Lim, Jae Joon Shin
KMSID: 1077588 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):390-397. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.390 |
398 |
Use of the Ilizarov Technique for Treatment of Infected Non-UnionUse of the Ilizarov Technique for Treatment of Infected Non-Union
Sung Taek Jung, eun Kyoo song, Bong suk BaeSung Taek Jung, eun Kyoo song, Bong suk Bae
KMSID: 1077589 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):398-404. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.398 |
405 |
Humeral Fractures Associated by Forearm FracturesHumeral Fractures Associated by Forearm Fractures
Ho Jung Kang, Kae Yong Han, Kyu Jyun Yang, Jin Oh ParkHo Jung Kang, Kae Yong Han, Kyu Jyun Yang, Jin Oh Park
KMSID: 1077590 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):405-412. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.405 |
413 |
Surgical Treatment of Acute acromioclavicular DislocationSurgical Treatment of Acute acromioclavicular Dislocation
Hyoun Oh Cho, Kyoung Duck Kwak, Byeung Yong Kim, su Min Sohn, Jin Kyoung MoonHyoun Oh Cho, Kyoung Duck Kwak, Byeung Yong Kim, su Min Sohn, Jin Kyoung Moon
KMSID: 1077592 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):413-419. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.413 |
420 |
Tardy Ulnar Nerve Palsy Caused by Post-Traumatic Elbow deformitiesTardy Ulnar Nerve Palsy Caused by Post-Traumatic Elbow deformities
Seung koo Rhee, seok Whan Song, Hwa Sung Lee, Ho Tae KimSeung koo Rhee, seok Whan Song, Hwa Sung Lee, Ho Tae Kim
KMSID: 1077593 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):420-426. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.420 |
427 |
Brachial Plexus Injury Secondary to Exuberant Callus Formation of Fracture of Clavicle : Two Cases ReportBrachial Plexus Injury Secondary to Exuberant Callus Formation of Fracture of Clavicle : Two Cases Report
Song Eon Lee, Young shik Shin, Jeong Ho Yang, Joon Ho LeeSong Eon Lee, Young shik Shin, Jeong Ho Yang, Joon Ho Lee
KMSID: 1077594 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):427-434. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.427 |
435 |
Comparison of Results According to the Type and Procedure in Unstable Fracture of the Distal RadiusComparison of Results According to the Type and Procedure in Unstable Fracture of the Distal Radius
Jin Young Park, Hong Geun Jung, Moon Jib Yoo, Jeong Wan KimJin Young Park, Hong Geun Jung, Moon Jib Yoo, Jeong Wan Kim
KMSID: 1077595 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):435-441. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.435 |
442 |
The Treatment of the Proximal Tibia Fracture -Comparison of the Variable Method of Fixation-The Treatment of the Proximal Tibia Fracture -Comparison of the Variable Method of Fixation-
Dong Heon Kim, Kyu cheol Shin, Kyeong Soon Kim, Byeong Chun Chang, Dae Sul KangDong Heon Kim, Kyu cheol Shin, Kyeong Soon Kim, Byeong Chun Chang, Dae Sul Kang
KMSID: 1077596 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):442-448. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.442 |
449 |
Clinical Results of Unreamed Static Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing In Clsed Tibial Shaft FracturesClinical Results of Unreamed Static Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing In Clsed Tibial Shaft Fractures
Sang Yeon Lee, Young Shik Shin, Jeong Ho Yang, Heun Young ParkSang Yeon Lee, Young Shik Shin, Jeong Ho Yang, Heun Young Park
KMSID: 1077597 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):449-455. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.449 |
456 |
A Technique for Intramedullary Nailing of Proximal Third Tibia FracturesA Technique for Intramedullary Nailing of Proximal Third Tibia Fractures
Jung Jae Kim, Kyung Min Noh, Woo Shin Cho, Yung Tae Kim, Key Yong KimJung Jae Kim, Kyung Min Noh, Woo Shin Cho, Yung Tae Kim, Key Yong Kim
KMSID: 1077598 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):456-463. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.456 |
464 |
The Results and Complications After Treatment of Open Tibia Fractures in ChildrenThe Results and Complications After Treatment of Open Tibia Fractures in Children
Chung Nam Kang, Jong Ho Kim, Dong Wook Kim, Young Do Gho, Jae Doo You, Jin ChangChung Nam Kang, Jong Ho Kim, Dong Wook Kim, Young Do Gho, Jae Doo You, Jin Chang
KMSID: 1077599 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):464-470. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.464 |
471 |
Treatment of the Femoral Shaft Fractures using Unreamed Interlocking Intramedullary NailTreatment of the Femoral Shaft Fractures using Unreamed Interlocking Intramedullary Nail
Sung Taek Jung, Eun Sun Moon, Moon LeeSung Taek Jung, Eun Sun Moon, Moon Lee
KMSID: 1077601 J Korean Soc Fract. 1998;11(2):471-476. Published online 2016 June 23 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.1998.11.2.471 |