97 |
The Effect of Safflower Seed or Matairesinol on Spontaneous Bone Formation in Surgically Induced Bone Defect in Young RabbitThe Effect of Safflower Seed or Matairesinol on Spontaneous Bone Formation in Surgically Induced Bone Defect in Young Rabbit
Hae Ryong Song, Do Kyung Ra, Gon Sup Kim, Ki Churl Chang, Jae Min Hwang, Seong Chan Yeon, Hyung Bin Park, Sang Won ChoiHae Ryong Song, Do Kyung Ra, Gon Sup Kim, Ki Churl Chang, Jae Min Hwang, Seong Chan Yeon, Hyung Bin Park, Sang Won Choi
KMSID: 1077325 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):97-105. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.97 |
106 |
Surgical Treatment of Type II distal clavicle end FractureSurgical Treatment of Type II distal clavicle end Fracture
Phil Hyun Chung, Suk Kang, Dong Joo Chae, Jong Pil Kim, Sang Ho LeePhil Hyun Chung, Suk Kang, Dong Joo Chae, Jong Pil Kim, Sang Ho Lee
KMSID: 1077240 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):106-113. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.106 |
114 |
The Biomechanics of Hybrid External Fixator: The Effect of Periarticular Half Pin on Frame StiffnessThe Biomechanics of Hybrid External Fixator: The Effect of Periarticular Half Pin on Frame Stiffness
Jong Keon Oh, Duk Young Jung, In Su KimJong Keon Oh, Duk Young Jung, In Su Kim
KMSID: 1077241 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):114-122. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.114 |
123 |
Vertebroplasty on osteoporotic compression fractureVertebroplasty on osteoporotic compression fracture
Chunghwan Kim, Youngjoon Choi, Seungki Baek, Hyungsun Ahn, Jaekwang Hwang, Sujung Choi, Jaiwoo Cho, Kyeungjune Park, Hyeuntae AhnChunghwan Kim, Youngjoon Choi, Seungki Baek, Hyungsun Ahn, Jaekwang Hwang, Sujung Choi, Jaiwoo Cho, Kyeungjune Park, Hyeuntae Ahn
KMSID: 1077242 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):123-128. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.123 |
129 |
Treatment of nonunion of proximal tibia: Treatment using external fixatorTreatment of nonunion of proximal tibia: Treatment using external fixator
Kuhn Sung Whang, Il Hoon Sung, Jun Sic ParkKuhn Sung Whang, Il Hoon Sung, Jun Sic Park
KMSID: 1077243 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):129-137. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.129 |
138 |
The Efficacy of Dynamization of Static Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing as A Trial Leading to Bony Union of Femur Shaft FractureThe Efficacy of Dynamization of Static Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing as A Trial Leading to Bony Union of Femur Shaft Fracture
Byung Soon Kim, Duck Yeon Cho, Hyung Ku Yoon, Soo Hong Han, Jin Yong Kim, Yong Wook KimByung Soon Kim, Duck Yeon Cho, Hyung Ku Yoon, Soo Hong Han, Jin Yong Kim, Yong Wook Kim
KMSID: 1077244 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):138-145. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.138 |
146 |
Comparison of degrees of Depression Between Simple X-ray and MRI in Tibial Plateau FractureComparison of degrees of Depression Between Simple X-ray and MRI in Tibial Plateau Fracture
S W Suh, H C Lim, C Y Huh, W N Moon, D Park, M P HongS W Suh, H C Lim, C Y Huh, W N Moon, D Park, M P Hong
KMSID: 1077245 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):146-151. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.146 |
152 |
Comparative Analysis of Interlocking IM Nailing and LC-DCP fixation in the Treatment of Distal Tibial FractureComparative Analysis of Interlocking IM Nailing and LC-DCP fixation in the Treatment of Distal Tibial Fracture
Hwa Yeop Na, Young Jun Park, Sang Hoon Ko, Wahn Sub Choe, Young Sang Lee, Kyung Dong YoonHwa Yeop Na, Young Jun Park, Sang Hoon Ko, Wahn Sub Choe, Young Sang Lee, Kyung Dong Yoon
KMSID: 1077247 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):152-158. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.152 |
159 |
The Effect of Low Intensity Ultrasound on Distraction Osteogenesis in the Rabbit FemurThe Effect of Low Intensity Ultrasound on Distraction Osteogenesis in the Rabbit Femur
Hyung Bin Park, Hae Ryoung Song, Kyung Hoi Koo, Soon Taek Jeong, Bun Jung Kang, Se Hyun ChoHyung Bin Park, Hae Ryoung Song, Kyung Hoi Koo, Soon Taek Jeong, Bun Jung Kang, Se Hyun Cho
KMSID: 1077248 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):159-165. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.159 |
166 |
Operative Treatment for AO Type C Supracondylar Fractures of the Distal FemurOperative Treatment for AO Type C Supracondylar Fractures of the Distal Femur
Ho Rim Choi, Joon Min Song, Hee Kwon, Youm Gyu Ko, Jang Geun Lee, Chang Hun YoonHo Rim Choi, Joon Min Song, Hee Kwon, Youm Gyu Ko, Jang Geun Lee, Chang Hun Yoon
KMSID: 1077249 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):166-172. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.166 |
173 |
Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Fixation in the Treatment of Proximal Humerus FracturesClosed Reduction and Percutaneous Fixation in the Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fractures
Seung Ju Jeon, Hyung Ku Yoon, Ho Seung Jeon, Kye Nam Cho, Hyung Sam KimSeung Ju Jeon, Hyung Ku Yoon, Ho Seung Jeon, Kye Nam Cho, Hyung Sam Kim
KMSID: 1077250 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):173-180. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.173 |
185 |
Treatment of distal tibia metaphyseal fractures by percutaneous plate osteosynthesisTreatment of distal tibia metaphyseal fractures by percutaneous plate osteosynthesis
Chang Wug Oh, Joo Chul In, Seong Man LeeChang Wug Oh, Joo Chul In, Seong Man Lee
KMSID: 1077251 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):185-191. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.185 |
192 |
Nerve Injury in Posterior Hip Fracture-DislocationNerve Injury in Posterior Hip Fracture-Dislocation
Hyung Ku Yoon, Byung Moon Park, Young Kwan Koh, Han Joon ChoHyung Ku Yoon, Byung Moon Park, Young Kwan Koh, Han Joon Cho
KMSID: 1077252 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):192-200. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.192 |
201 |
Complications and Affecting Factors for Intracapsular Femoral Neck Fractures Treated by Multiple PinningComplications and Affecting Factors for Intracapsular Femoral Neck Fractures Treated by Multiple Pinning
Sung Jung Kim, Shin Yoon Kim, Gi Bong Cha, Chang Wug Oh, Il Hyung Park, Joo Chul IhnSung Jung Kim, Shin Yoon Kim, Gi Bong Cha, Chang Wug Oh, Il Hyung Park, Joo Chul Ihn
KMSID: 1077253 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):201-208. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.201 |
209 |
Radiologic and clinical evaluation about treatment of ankle fractureRadiologic and clinical evaluation about treatment of ankle fracture
Chang Hyuk Choi, Koing Woo Kwon, Shin Kun Kim, Sang Wook Lee, Dong Kyu Shin, Dong Hwan UmChang Hyuk Choi, Koing Woo Kwon, Shin Kun Kim, Sang Wook Lee, Dong Kyu Shin, Dong Hwan Um
KMSID: 1077254 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):209-215. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.209 |
216 |
The Evaluation of Clinical and Radiographic Prognostic Factors for the Surgically Treated Unstable Ankle FracturesThe Evaluation of Clinical and Radiographic Prognostic Factors for the Surgically Treated Unstable Ankle Fractures
Hong Geun Jung, Hee Kon Park, Moon Jib Yoo, Tai Won KimHong Geun Jung, Hee Kon Park, Moon Jib Yoo, Tai Won Kim
KMSID: 1077256 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):216-225. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.216 |
226 |
The Radiologic Evaluation of Treatment Outcome in Intra-articular Calcaneal Fracture by Open Reduction without Bone GraftThe Radiologic Evaluation of Treatment Outcome in Intra-articular Calcaneal Fracture by Open Reduction without Bone Graft
Kwang Soon Song, Si Hyun Jeon, Jae Hong ChunKwang Soon Song, Si Hyun Jeon, Jae Hong Chun
KMSID: 1077257 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):226-233. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.226 |
234 |
Treatment of Severe Open Fractures of Tibial Shaft: Comparison Between Ilizarov External Fixation and Secondary Intramedullary NailingTreatment of Severe Open Fractures of Tibial Shaft: Comparison Between Ilizarov External Fixation and Secondary Intramedullary Nailing
Hyoun Oh Cho, Kyoung Duck Kwak, Hong Joo Lee, Dae Hwan Lim, Sang Min Ahn, Jae Ho Chang, Kyung Ku KangHyoun Oh Cho, Kyoung Duck Kwak, Hong Joo Lee, Dae Hwan Lim, Sang Min Ahn, Jae Ho Chang, Kyung Ku Kang
KMSID: 1077258 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):234-242. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.234 |
243 |
Treatment of Comminuted Fractures of Proximal Tibia using MIPO techniqueTreatment of Comminuted Fractures of Proximal Tibia using MIPO technique
Beom Koo Lee, Hyunchul Jo, Gi Serk Eom, Jin Won KimBeom Koo Lee, Hyunchul Jo, Gi Serk Eom, Jin Won Kim
KMSID: 1077259 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):243-250. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.243 |
251 |
The significance of distal radioulnar joint injury in distal radius fractureThe significance of distal radioulnar joint injury in distal radius fracture
Jin Woo Kwon, Sung Ho Shin, Won Ho Jo, Dong Hyun KimJin Woo Kwon, Sung Ho Shin, Won Ho Jo, Dong Hyun Kim
KMSID: 1077260 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):251-257. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.251 |
258 |
External fixation of distal radius fractureExternal fixation of distal radius fracture
Deok Weon Kim, Moon Ki KimDeok Weon Kim, Moon Ki Kim
KMSID: 1077261 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):258-263. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.258 |
264 |
The Effect of Bone Connecting Powder on Stimulation of Bone Healing (Biomechenical study using double-blind method)The Effect of Bone Connecting Powder on Stimulation of Bone Healing (Biomechenical study using double-blind method)
Kyu Hyun Yang, Sung Hoon JungKyu Hyun Yang, Sung Hoon Jung
KMSID: 1077262 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):264-270. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.264 |
271 |
Effect of injected calcium-sulfate on the consolidation of distraction osteogenesis in rabbit modelEffect of injected calcium-sulfate on the consolidation of distraction osteogenesis in rabbit model
Chang Wug Oh, Poong Taek Kim, Byung Chul Park, Il Hyung Park, Hee Soo Kyung, Seung Hoon BaekChang Wug Oh, Poong Taek Kim, Byung Chul Park, Il Hyung Park, Hee Soo Kyung, Seung Hoon Baek
KMSID: 1077263 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):271-277. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.271 |
278 |
Treatment of Comminuted Trochanteric Fracture with Dynamic Hip Screw and Trochanteric Stabilizing PlateTreatment of Comminuted Trochanteric Fracture with Dynamic Hip Screw and Trochanteric Stabilizing Plate
Seungki Baek, Youngjoon Choi, Chunghwan Kim, Yoojin Kim, Jaekwang Hwang, Hyungsun Ahn, Hyuntae Ahn, Kyungjun Park, Jaiwoo ChoSeungki Baek, Youngjoon Choi, Chunghwan Kim, Yoojin Kim, Jaekwang Hwang, Hyungsun Ahn, Hyuntae Ahn, Kyungjun Park, Jaiwoo Cho
KMSID: 1077264 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):278-285. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.278 |
286 |
Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis for Distal Tibial Shaft FractureMinimally Invasive Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis for Distal Tibial Shaft Fracture
Jun Young Yang, Kwang Jin Rhee, June Kyue Lee, Deuk Soo Hwang, Hyun Dae Shin, Hyun Ho LeeJun Young Yang, Kwang Jin Rhee, June Kyue Lee, Deuk Soo Hwang, Hyun Dae Shin, Hyun Ho Lee
KMSID: 1077266 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):286-291. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.286 |
292 |
Treatment of femoral diaphyseal fractures in children: Comparison between conservative treatment and retrograde flexible intramedullary nailingTreatment of femoral diaphyseal fractures in children: Comparison between conservative treatment and retrograde flexible intramedullary nailing
Chang Wug Oh, Byung Chul Park, Joo Chul Ihn, Hyung Tae Soh, Seung Hoon BaekChang Wug Oh, Byung Chul Park, Joo Chul Ihn, Hyung Tae Soh, Seung Hoon Baek
KMSID: 1077267 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):292-298. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.292 |
299 |
The Result of Treatment in Fracture of the Proximal HumerusThe Result of Treatment in Fracture of the Proximal Humerus
Man Je Park, Byeong Yeun Seong, Seung Ki Lee, Taek Gun Lee, Sang Yol Shin, Hyung Su KimMan Je Park, Byeong Yeun Seong, Seung Ki Lee, Taek Gun Lee, Sang Yol Shin, Hyung Su Kim
KMSID: 1077268 J Korean Soc Fract. 2002;15(2):299-306. Published online 2016 June 21 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2002.15.2.299 |