567 |
Bone scintigraphy after multiple pinning of femoral neck fracturesBone scintigraphy after multiple pinning of femoral neck fractures
Kee-Haeng Lee, Youn Soo Kim, Chang Hoon Jeong, Suk Ku Han, Hyoung Min Kim, Jun Seok KimKee-Haeng Lee, Youn Soo Kim, Chang Hoon Jeong, Suk Ku Han, Hyoung Min Kim, Jun Seok Kim
KMSID: 1077200 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):567-574. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.567 |
575 |
Treatment of Intertrochanteric Fractures of Femur Using Intramedullary Hip-ScrewTreatment of Intertrochanteric Fractures of Femur Using Intramedullary Hip-Screw
Phil Hyun Chung, Chung Soo Hwang, Suk Gang, Dong Ju Chae, Jong Pil Kim, Joon Han KimPhil Hyun Chung, Chung Soo Hwang, Suk Gang, Dong Ju Chae, Jong Pil Kim, Joon Han Kim
KMSID: 1077201 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):575-583. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.575 |
584 |
Comparison Study between Internal Fixation with Compression Hip Screw and Bipolar Hemiarffiroplasty in Unstable Intertrochanteric FractureComparison Study between Internal Fixation with Compression Hip Screw and Bipolar Hemiarffiroplasty in Unstable Intertrochanteric Fracture
You Sung Suh, Sai Won Kwon, Ho Won Jung, Jong Seok Park, Byung Ill LeeYou Sung Suh, Sai Won Kwon, Ho Won Jung, Jong Seok Park, Byung Ill Lee
KMSID: 1077202 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):584-591. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.584 |
592 |
Treatment of unstable pertrochanteric fracture of the femur using compression hip screw and plate with 6 or more holesTreatment of unstable pertrochanteric fracture of the femur using compression hip screw and plate with 6 or more holes
Jeong-Woung Lee, Chi-Weon Lee, Doo-Hoon Sun, Myung-Sang MoonJeong-Woung Lee, Chi-Weon Lee, Doo-Hoon Sun, Myung-Sang Moon
KMSID: 1077203 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):592-600. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.592 |
601 |
Usefulness of Interlocking Compression Nail in Treatment of Femoral Shaft Stable FractureUsefulness of Interlocking Compression Nail in Treatment of Femoral Shaft Stable Fracture
Keun Bae Lee, Sung Taek Jung, Eun Sun Moon, Eun Kyoo Song, Kwang Cheul JeongKeun Bae Lee, Sung Taek Jung, Eun Sun Moon, Eun Kyoo Song, Kwang Cheul Jeong
KMSID: 1077205 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):601-608. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.601 |
609 |
Ipsilateral Femoral Neck and Shaft Fracture: Secondary Avascular Necrosis of Femoral HeadIpsilateral Femoral Neck and Shaft Fracture: Secondary Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head
Sung-Taek Jung, Keun-Bae Lee, Taek-Lim Yoon, Sang-Don Shim, Myung-Seon KimSung-Taek Jung, Keun-Bae Lee, Taek-Lim Yoon, Sang-Don Shim, Myung-Seon Kim
KMSID: 1077206 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):609-615. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.609 |
616 |
Triradiate Approach in Surgical Treatment of Complex Fracture of AcetabulumTriradiate Approach in Surgical Treatment of Complex Fracture of Acetabulum
Kang-Il Kim, Kyung-Hoi Koo, Bun-Joong Kang, Hyung-Bin Park, Sun-Chul Hwang, Soon-Taek Jeong, Hae-Ryong Song, Se-Hyun ChoKang-Il Kim, Kyung-Hoi Koo, Bun-Joong Kang, Hyung-Bin Park, Sun-Chul Hwang, Soon-Taek Jeong, Hae-Ryong Song, Se-Hyun Cho
KMSID: 1077207 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):616-622. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.616 |
623 |
Comparison of the Unloading Effect of the Lower Limb CastsComparison of the Unloading Effect of the Lower Limb Casts
Ju-O Kim, Sang-Moon Yoo, Han-Ki Lim, Seung-Jun ChoiJu-O Kim, Sang-Moon Yoo, Han-Ki Lim, Seung-Jun Choi
KMSID: 1077208 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):623-627. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.623 |
628 |
Prevention of Fracture During Removal of ILMN in Tibia FracturePrevention of Fracture During Removal of ILMN in Tibia Fracture
Bu Hwan Kim, Myoung Hee Choi, Sang Hun Yi, Mu Jung HeoBu Hwan Kim, Myoung Hee Choi, Sang Hun Yi, Mu Jung Heo
KMSID: 1077209 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):628-631. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.628 |
632 |
Comparison of External Fixation and Interlocking IM Nail in Open Tibial FracturesComparison of External Fixation and Interlocking IM Nail in Open Tibial Fractures
Hyung-Jin Chung, Duck-Kyu Kim, Yerl-Bo Sung, Jong-Guk AhnHyung-Jin Chung, Duck-Kyu Kim, Yerl-Bo Sung, Jong-Guk Ahn
KMSID: 1077210 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):632-642. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.632 |
643 |
IIizarov Method of Tibial Plafond FractureIIizarov Method of Tibial Plafond Fracture
Myung-Hwan Son, Byung-Chul Kim, Nam-Wook Kang, Min-yong KimMyung-Hwan Son, Byung-Chul Kim, Nam-Wook Kang, Min-yong Kim
KMSID: 1077211 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):643-650. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.643 |
651 |
Comparison between Ender Nail and Interlocking Nail in The Treatment of Infra-isthmic Tibial Shaft FractureComparison between Ender Nail and Interlocking Nail in The Treatment of Infra-isthmic Tibial Shaft Fracture
Seung Wook Yang, Moo Ho Song, Hyung Taek Park, Sun Jin ChoiSeung Wook Yang, Moo Ho Song, Hyung Taek Park, Sun Jin Choi
KMSID: 1077212 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):651-659. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.651 |
660 |
The effects of the fibular stabilization in the treatment of distal tibio-fibula fractureThe effects of the fibular stabilization in the treatment of distal tibio-fibula fracture
Kyung-Jin Song, Gyu-Hyung Kim, Myung-Sik Park, Byung-Yun HwangKyung-Jin Song, Gyu-Hyung Kim, Myung-Sik Park, Byung-Yun Hwang
KMSID: 1077214 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):660-667. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.660 |
668 |
Complications after treatment of tibial Non fractureComplications after treatment of tibial Non fracture
Ki-Do Hong, Sung-Sik Ha, Hyun-Jong ChaKi-Do Hong, Sung-Sik Ha, Hyun-Jong Cha
KMSID: 1077215 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):668-676. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.668 |
677 |
Treatement of Diastasis of the Distal Tibiofibular SyndesmosisTreatement of Diastasis of the Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmosis
Woo-Chun Lee, Han Suk Ko, Cheol Lee, Ki-Heon Nam, Kang-Hoon Ko, Jong-Deuk RhaWoo-Chun Lee, Han Suk Ko, Cheol Lee, Ki-Heon Nam, Kang-Hoon Ko, Jong-Deuk Rha
KMSID: 1077216 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):677-684. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.677 |
685 |
Fracture of the Os Peroneum with Rupture of the Peroneus Longus Tendon: A Case ReportFracture of the Os Peroneum with Rupture of the Peroneus Longus Tendon: A Case Report
Yong Hoon Kim, Keun Woo Kim, Hak Jin Min, Eui Seong Yoon, Hee Oh Kim, Jae Seong SuhYong Hoon Kim, Keun Woo Kim, Hak Jin Min, Eui Seong Yoon, Hee Oh Kim, Jae Seong Suh
KMSID: 1077217 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):685-688. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.685 |
689 |
Peritalar Dislocations or Fracture-DislocationsPeritalar Dislocations or Fracture-Dislocations
Seung-Koo Rhee, Hwa-Sung Lee, Jong-Bum Park, Jin-Wha Chung, Eui-Yong Um, Whi-Ju WhangSeung-Koo Rhee, Hwa-Sung Lee, Jong-Bum Park, Jin-Wha Chung, Eui-Yong Um, Whi-Ju Whang
KMSID: 1077218 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):689-697. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.689 |
698 |
Correlation of the Clinical Outcome and Radiographic Measurement of the Calcaneal FracturesCorrelation of the Clinical Outcome and Radiographic Measurement of the Calcaneal Fractures
Dong Eun Shin, Jin Yong Kim, Dong Bae Shin, Yong Jung Kim, Soo Hong Han, Young Je SoungDong Eun Shin, Jin Yong Kim, Dong Bae Shin, Yong Jung Kim, Soo Hong Han, Young Je Soung
KMSID: 1077219 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):698-705. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.698 |
706 |
The Surgical Treatment of Distal Clavicle FracturesThe Surgical Treatment of Distal Clavicle Fractures
Eun Sun Moon, Jong Wook Jung, Gwang Cheul JeongEun Sun Moon, Jong Wook Jung, Gwang Cheul Jeong
KMSID: 1077220 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):706-713. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.706 |
714 |
Nonunion after open reduction and internal fixation of clavicle fracturesNonunion after open reduction and internal fixation of clavicle fractures
Jeung-Tak Suh, Jung-Sub Lee, Sung-Jong ChoiJeung-Tak Suh, Jung-Sub Lee, Sung-Jong Choi
KMSID: 1077221 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):714-719. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.714 |
720 |
The Comparison of the Using of Plate Fixation and Interlocldng IM Nailing in Humeral Shaft FractureThe Comparison of the Using of Plate Fixation and Interlocldng IM Nailing in Humeral Shaft Fracture
Myung-Hwan Son, Byung-Chul Kim, Nam-Wook Kang, Min-Yong KimMyung-Hwan Son, Byung-Chul Kim, Nam-Wook Kang, Min-Yong Kim
KMSID: 1077222 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):720-725. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.720 |
726 |
Intraarticular Soft Tissue Injuries in Fractures of the Distal Radius: A Descriptive Arthroscopic StudyIntraarticular Soft Tissue Injuries in Fractures of the Distal Radius: A Descriptive Arthroscopic Study
Seok-Beom Lee, Chang-Beom LeeSeok-Beom Lee, Chang-Beom Lee
KMSID: 1077223 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):726-732. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.726 |
733 |
Scapholunate Dissociation Associated with Intra-articular Fractures of Distal RadiusScapholunate Dissociation Associated with Intra-articular Fractures of Distal Radius
Bon Seop Koo, Kyung Chul Kim, Hun Kyu Shin, Jin Heon KwakBon Seop Koo, Kyung Chul Kim, Hun Kyu Shin, Jin Heon Kwak
KMSID: 1077225 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):733-738. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.733 |
739 |
Salter-Harris Type IV Physeal Fracture of the Distal Radius: A Case ReportSalter-Harris Type IV Physeal Fracture of the Distal Radius: A Case Report
Young-Soo Byun, Hong-Tae Kim, Kyoung-Hoon Hyun, Jun-Mo Nam, Young-Ho ChoYoung-Soo Byun, Hong-Tae Kim, Kyoung-Hoon Hyun, Jun-Mo Nam, Young-Ho Cho
KMSID: 1077226 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):739-744. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.739 |
745 |
Operative treatment of Radial neck fractures in ChildrenOperative treatment of Radial neck fractures in Children
Ho-Jung Kang, Jae-Hoon Jun, Kye-Wook Song, Soo-Bong Hahn, Eung-Shick KangHo-Jung Kang, Jae-Hoon Jun, Kye-Wook Song, Soo-Bong Hahn, Eung-Shick Kang
KMSID: 1077227 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):745-752. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.745 |
753 |
Treatment of Supracondylar Fracture of the Humerus in Children: by Immediate Closed Reduction & Lateral Percutaneous K-Wire FixationTreatment of Supracondylar Fracture of the Humerus in Children: by Immediate Closed Reduction & Lateral Percutaneous K-Wire Fixation
Byung Woo Ahn, Chong Kwan Kim, Jeong Hwan Kim, Chae Ik Chung, Jae Kyu Park, Young O Kim, Jong Ho YoonByung Woo Ahn, Chong Kwan Kim, Jeong Hwan Kim, Chae Ik Chung, Jae Kyu Park, Young O Kim, Jong Ho Yoon
KMSID: 1077228 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):753-761. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.753 |
762 |
Operative treatment of fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus in childrenOperative treatment of fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus in children
Ho-Jung Kang, Yong-Min Cheon, Kye-Wook Song, Eung-Shick Kang, Hui-Wan ParkHo-Jung Kang, Yong-Min Cheon, Kye-Wook Song, Eung-Shick Kang, Hui-Wan Park
KMSID: 1077229 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):762-768. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.762 |
769 |
Cubitus Varus Resulted from Fracture-Separation of the Distal Humeral EpiphysisCubitus Varus Resulted from Fracture-Separation of the Distal Humeral Epiphysis
Sung Soo Kim, Sang Hwan Park, Kyoung Sik HwangSung Soo Kim, Sang Hwan Park, Kyoung Sik Hwang
KMSID: 1077230 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):769-775. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.769 |
776 |
Use of Cancellous Bone Allograft in the Treatment of Long bone FracturesUse of Cancellous Bone Allograft in the Treatment of Long bone Fractures
Keun Bae Lee, Taek Rim Yoon, Jae Yoon Chung, Sung Taek Jung, Jae Joon LeeKeun Bae Lee, Taek Rim Yoon, Jae Yoon Chung, Sung Taek Jung, Jae Joon Lee
KMSID: 1077231 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):776-782. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.776 |
783 |
The Biomechanics of Hybrid External Fixator: Effectiveness of Bar to Ring ConnectionThe Biomechanics of Hybrid External Fixator: Effectiveness of Bar to Ring Connection
Jong-Keon Oh, Duk-Young Jung, Seong-Yong YoonJong-Keon Oh, Duk-Young Jung, Seong-Yong Yoon
KMSID: 1077232 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):783-791. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.783 |
792 |
Radiation Exposure from Fluoroscopy during Orthopaedic Surgical ProceduresRadiation Exposure from Fluoroscopy during Orthopaedic Surgical Procedures
Su-Young Bae, Jong-Oh Kim, Jae-Doo Yoo, Seong-Yong Yoon, Jin-Won JangSu-Young Bae, Jong-Oh Kim, Jae-Doo Yoo, Seong-Yong Yoon, Jin-Won Jang
KMSID: 1077234 J Korean Soc Fract. 2001;14(4):792-798. Published online 2016 July 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jksf.2001.14.4.792 |