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The Usability of Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flap for Reconstruction of the Finger DefectsThe Usability of Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flap for Reconstruction of the Finger Defects
Min-Kyu Hwang, Sung-Chul Chu, So-Min Hwang, Hyung-Do Kim, Min-Wook Kim, Jong-Seo LeeMin-Kyu Hwang, Sung-Chul Chu, So-Min Hwang, Hyung-Do Kim, Min-Wook Kim, Jong-Seo Lee
KMSID: 1106496 J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2015;20(4):153-160. Published online 2015 December 11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12790/jkssh.2015.20.4.153 |
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Modified Split Ulnar Gutter Splint for Treatment of Fifth Metacarpal Neck FracturesModified Split Ulnar Gutter Splint for Treatment of Fifth Metacarpal Neck Fractures
Ho-Jin Gil, Yang-Guk Chung, Seung-Han Shin, Dong-Hyun Kim, Jin-Woo Kang, Sang-Hyun JeonHo-Jin Gil, Yang-Guk Chung, Seung-Han Shin, Dong-Hyun Kim, Jin-Woo Kang, Sang-Hyun Jeon
KMSID: 1106497 J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2015;20(4):161-167. Published online 2015 December 11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12790/jkssh.2015.20.4.161 |
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Comparison of Locking versus Dynamic Compression Plates for Treatment of Diaphyseal Forearm FractureComparison of Locking versus Dynamic Compression Plates for Treatment of Diaphyseal Forearm Fracture
Yong Chan Lee, Hong Je KangYong Chan Lee, Hong Je Kang
KMSID: 1106498 J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2015;20(4):168-175. Published online 2015 December 11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12790/jkssh.2015.20.4.168 |
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Glomus Tumor in a Extradigital Lesion of Forearm: A Case ReportGlomus Tumor in a Extradigital Lesion of Forearm: A Case Report
Yong Sik Lee, Yeong-Hyeon LeeYong Sik Lee, Yeong-Hyeon Lee
KMSID: 1106499 J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2015;20(4):176-179. Published online 2015 December 11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12790/jkssh.2015.20.4.176 |
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Bilateral Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome: A Case ReportBilateral Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome: A Case Report
Duke Whan Chung, Chung Soo Han, Jae Hoon Lee, Jong Hun Baek, Young Jun Kim, Hyuk JungDuke Whan Chung, Chung Soo Han, Jae Hoon Lee, Jong Hun Baek, Young Jun Kim, Hyuk Jung
KMSID: 1106500 J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2015;20(4):180-185. Published online 2015 December 11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12790/jkssh.2015.20.4.180 |
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Acute Horseshoe Abscess of the Hand after Local Steroid Injection: A Case ReportAcute Horseshoe Abscess of the Hand after Local Steroid Injection: A Case Report
Young Jun Kim, Chang Min Kang, Hyun Ho Lee, Duke Whan ChungYoung Jun Kim, Chang Min Kang, Hyun Ho Lee, Duke Whan Chung
KMSID: 1106501 J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2015;20(4):186-192. Published online 2015 December 11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12790/jkssh.2015.20.4.186 |
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Tumoral Calcinosis of the Index Finger: A Case ReportTumoral Calcinosis of the Index Finger: A Case Report
Hee Young Lee, Dong Ju Jung, Kye Won Kwon, Tae Yeon KimHee Young Lee, Dong Ju Jung, Kye Won Kwon, Tae Yeon Kim
KMSID: 1106502 J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2005;20(4):193-197. Published online 2005 December 11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12790/jkssh.2005.20.4.193 |
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Acute Rupture of Flexor Digitorum Profundus Tendon Associated with Distal Radius Fracture: A Case ReportAcute Rupture of Flexor Digitorum Profundus Tendon Associated with Distal Radius Fracture: A Case Report
Dong-Yeong Lee, Sun-Chul Hwang, Dae-Cheol Nam, Jin-Sung ParkDong-Yeong Lee, Sun-Chul Hwang, Dae-Cheol Nam, Jin-Sung Park
KMSID: 1106503 J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2015;20(4):198-203. Published online 2015 December 11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12790/jkssh.2015.20.4.198 |
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Extensor Digiti Minimi Triggering Caused by an Anatomical Variation: A Case ReportExtensor Digiti Minimi Triggering Caused by an Anatomical Variation: A Case Report
Youn-Tae Roh, Changhoon Jeong, Soo-Hwan Kang, Jae-Young Lee, Sang-Hyun Jeon, Il-Jung ParkYoun-Tae Roh, Changhoon Jeong, Soo-Hwan Kang, Jae-Young Lee, Sang-Hyun Jeon, Il-Jung Park
KMSID: 1106504 J Korean Soc Surg Hand. 2015;20(4):204-208. Published online 2015 December 11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12790/jkssh.2015.20.4.204 |