Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.16(4) > 1122877

Chang and Kang: Unstable Comminuted Colles's Fractures: Clinical Observation of 22 Cases


Those unstable comminuted colles' fractures in which the dorsal or volar cortex of radius is fragmented, destroying the buttress of the bone essential to maitnain the alignment, result various residual complications. To overcome those complications, additional methods of fixation, including pin and plaster, percutaneous pinning or some forms of external fixations have been employed. Clinical analysis were made in 22 cases of unstable comminuted Colles fractures which were treated during January 1975 and September 1980 and followed-up for 6 months to 4 years and 7 months. The results were as follow: 1) The fracture occure predominantly in male (4 to 1). 2) Among the 9 cases treated with manipulative reduction followed by cast immobilization, 6 showed satisfactory results while the other 3 did not. 3 Among the 13 cases which were treated by coatinuous traction incorporated in cast, 10 showed satisfactory results and 3 did not. 4) Complications observed were; 9 cases of limited supination of affected forearm. 2 cases of ankylosed wrists. 2 cases of pin-tract infections, and 1 case of transient superficial radial nerve palsy.

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