Journal List > J Korean Med Assoc > v.51(8) > 1042056

Chee and Song: Recent Advancement in Heart and Lung Transplantation


Heart transplantation remains the definitive surgical solution for Stage D heart failure. There have been impressive developments in lung transplantation also. This review is focused on the recent advancements in the field of heart and lung transplantation and the current status of thoracic organ transplantation in Korea. Future directions of thoracic organ transplantation are discussed.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Cases of hearft and lung transplantation in Korea.
Figure 2
Description of KONOS status levels.
Figure 3
Bicaval technique of Orthotopic heart transplantation.
Figure 4
Incision for bilateral lung transplantation.
Table 1
New staged classification system of heart failure


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