Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.41(5) > 1012613

Song, Chung, Seo, and Kim: Intrapelvic Mass with Calcific Density Wall after Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Report of Two Cases


We experienced two cases of asymptomatic intrapelvic masses with calcific density walls in failed cementless total hip arthroplasties. The intrapelvic masses communicated with the hip joint along the screw in one case and a medial wall defect in the other case. Instead of excision, the masses were drained and the failed components were revised. Two years after revision arthroplasties, the intrapelvic masses have not increased in size; and there was a thick calcific density wall in the second case. We conclude that the excision of an intrapelvic mass is not always mandatory when it is symptomless.

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