Journal List > Korean J Leg Med > v.37(2) > 1004730

Jang, Park, Kim, Ham, Jo, and Ha: Death by Homicidal Smothering Using Hot Steam Towel: A Case Report


An unusual case of homicide of a 21-year-old man who was smothered with a hot steam towel by his mother and a pastoress in the name of exorcism. Homicidal smothering in adults is rare, but does occur when the victims are not capable of defending themselves in situations such as chronic illness, old age, drug intoxication or when restrained by other people. In this case, distinct facial scalding was a clue to smothering with a hot steam towel.


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Fig. 1.
Scalding injuries with a few abrasions on the forehead of the deceased's face.
Fig. 2.
A few petechiae, and mucosal injuries in the buccal region of the deceased.
Fig. 3.
Mucosal edema in the pharynx of the deceased.
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