Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs > v.43(6) > 1002967

Hong and Tae: Structural Relationship of Burnout and Related Variables among Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients



The purpose of this study was to construct a structural equational model to explain and predict burnout in family caregivers of patients with cancer. The study was based on the Stress-Appraisal-Coping Model of Lazarus and Folkman (1984) and Family Stress Theory (Hill, 1958).


Data were collected from July 10 to September 30, 2012 through direct interviews and a self-report questionnaire survey. Participants in this study were 206 family caregivers providing care for patients with cancer in In-patient or Out-patient departments of three different general hospitals located in Busan. Measured variables were exogenous variables (social support and perceived health status) and endogenous variables (perceived stress, hope and burnout).


Goodness of fit in the hypothetical model was χ2=174.07, TLI=.95, CFI=.97, RMSEA=.08. Perceived health status, perceived stress, and hope showed statistically significant direct effects on burnout of family caregivers. Social support affected burnout of family caregivers indirectly. These variables explained 68.5% of total variance in burnout.


The results from this study suggest that perceived stress, perceived health status, and hope should be considered as major influential factors when developing nursing interventions to control burnout of family caregivers (of patients with cancer).

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Conceptual framework.
Figure 2
Path diagram for the modified model.
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of Variables (N=206)

PHS=Perceived health status.

Table 2
Fitness Statistics for Hypothetical and Modified Model (N=206)

NPAR=the Number of parameters in the model; DF=Degree of freedom; CMIN=Chi-sqaure value; TLI=Turker-Lewis index; SRMR=Standardized root mean square residual; CFI=Comparative fit index; RMSEA=Root mean square error of approximation; LO=Low RMSEA; HI=High RMSEA.

Table 3
Effects of Variables in the Modified Model (N=206)

CR=Critical ratio; SMC=Squared multiple correlations.


This manuscript is based on a part of the first author's doctoral dissertation from Kosin University.


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