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1 Talazoparib versus Chemotherapy in Patients with HER2-Negative Advanced Breast Cancer and a Germline BRCA1/2 Mutation Enrolled in Asian Countries: Exploratory Subgroup Analysis of the Phase III EMBRACA Trial
Kyung-Hun Lee, Joohyuk Sohn, Annabel Goodwin, Tiziana Usari, Silvana Lanzalone, Seock-Ah Im, Sung-Bae Kim
Cancer Res Treat.2021;53(4):1084-1095.   Published online 2021 March 24     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4143/crt.2020.1381
2 Phase III Study of Pirarubicin / Cyclophosphamide / CDDP(CTP) vs. Doxorubicin / Cyclophosphamide / CDDP(CAP) Combination Chemotherapy in Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Yong Beom Kim, Jae Weon Kim, Noh Hyun Park, Yong Sang Song, Soon Beom Kang, Hyo Pyo Lee, Ju Won Roh, Chul Min Lee, Taek Sang Lee
Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc.1999;10(2):148-155.   Published online 2019 March 13     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3802/kjgoc.1999.10.2.148
3 Preoperative Chemotherapy in Gastric Cancer
Young Seon Hong, Cho Hyun Park
J Korean Gastric Cancer Assoc.2005;5(3):139-145.   Published online 2017 March 13     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5230/jkgca.2005.5.3.139
4 Phase III Clinical Trial Comparing Iopamidol 250 mgI/mL and Iopamidol 300mgI/mL in Cerebral Angiography: Multicenteric, Randomized and Double Blind Study
Hyobin Seo, Moon Hee Han, Bae Ju Kwon, So Hyang Im, Cheolkyu Jung, Seong Hyun Kim, Jae Hyoung Kim
J Korean Radiol Soc.2007;57(6):501-506.   Published online 2007 December 31     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3348/jkrs.2007.57.6.501
5 Randomized Phase III Trial of Cisplatin, Epirubicin, Leucovorin, 5-Fluorouracil (PELF) Combination versus 5-fluorouracil Alone as Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Curative Resected Stage III Gastric Cancer
Jae Jin Lee, Si-Young Kim, Im sik Shin, Kyung Sam Cho, Hoong-Zae Joo, Choong Yoon, Yoon Wha Kim, Hwi Joong Yoon
Cancer Res Treat.2004;36(2):140-145.   Published online 2004 April 30     DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4143/crt.2004.36.2.140

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