Journal List > Korean J Gastroenterol > v.72(4) > 1106216

Son, Lee, Shin, and Kim: Primary Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Extrahepatic Bile Duct

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

(A, B) Contrast-enhanced CT image shows a 3.6×4.3 cm sized enhancing mass (arrows) in porta hepatis. CT, computed tomography.

Fig. 2

Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography shows low signal intensity mass involving the common hepatic duct (white arrow).

Fig. 3

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiogram reveals biliary stricture of the common hepatic duct.

Fig. 4

Gross finding of the resected tumor shows a 4.7×4.5×3.5 cm sized protruding mass into the bile duct.

Fig. 5

Histopathologic findings. (A) Tumor cells shows trabecular arrangement. Cytoplasms are plump and deeply eosinophilic. Nuceli have round, smooth outline and dark chromatin (H&E, ×200). (B) Tumor cell cytoplasms are strongly stained with synaptophysin immunohistochemistry, which indicates neuroendocrine differentiation (synaptophysin, ×200).



Financial support None.

Conflict of interest None.


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Yoon Suk Lee

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