Journal List > J Korean Acad Oral Health > v.40(3) > 1057694

Park and Lee: Factors affecting the job satisfaction of the dental hygienists working in dental clinics or dental hospitals in Busan, Gyeongnam, and Gyeongbuk



This study was aimed at seeking an effective method of improving job satisfaction and practice performance of clinical dental hygienists by analyzing their job satisfaction factors.


Questionnaires were distributed to 210 clinical dental hygienists working at dental institutions in Busan, Gyeongnam, and Gyeongbuk, from the 25th of July through to the 30th of August, 2015, after receiving approval of the Institutional Review Board. The following conclusions were derived as a result of analyzing a total of 198 of the 210 questionnaires, 12 of which were excluded due to non-response or suspicious authenticity.


Analysis of the job satisfaction according to the participants’ general characteristics revealed significant differences in terms of marital status (P<0.001), age (P<0.001), education (P=0.002), income (P<0.001), and total work experience (P<0.001).
Further, groups showing high scores on the internal marketing system, structural factors, communication system factors, and compensation factors had higher job satisfaction (P<0.01).
Analysis of oral health education, a factor in the job satisfaction related to practice performance, was carried out by the high group. This led to high satisfaction with professional pride (P<0.01) and patient relationships (P<0.01). Preventive treatment, another factor in job satisfaction related to practice performance, led to high satisfaction with colleague relationships (P<0.05).
The job satisfaction for medical cure cooperation tasks showed no significant differences. Administration and management tasks for high groups led to higher satisfaction with professional pride, ability to work, work environment, compensation, and patient relationships (P<0.01).


These results show the need for an expansion in oral health education and preventive treatment tasks in order to ensure greater job satisfaction in dental hygienists. Additionally, the development of internal marketing systems within dental care institutions is necessary to further enhance and promote a sense of accomplishment at work.


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Table 1.
Reliability of Internal marketing system
Communication system (a=.746) Structural factors (a=.718) Compensation factors (a=.584)
Suggestions or complaints .824
Communication with doctor .801
Trusted doctor’s opinions .668
Manual on business .849
Continuing Education and retraining opportunities .740
Business subdivision .739
Incentives .782
Welfare .750
Pay raises .679
Eigen value 2.102 1.962 1.729
Variance % 23.359 21.799 19.211
Cumulative variance % 23.359 45.158 64.368

*To omit factors that show the loading≤0.5.

Table 2.
Demographic characteristics of respondent
Variables Categories (Division) N %
Sex Male 2 1.0
Female 196 99.0
Marital status Married 55 27.8
Single (Unmarried) 143 72.2
Age ≤25 62 31.3
26-30 65 32.8
31-35 39 19.7
≥36 32 16.2
Education (Academic level) College 159 80.3
University 33 16.7
Graduate School 6 3.0
Type of hospital General university hospital 5 2.5
Dental hospital 74 37.4
Dental clinic 119 60.1
Income 100-149 33 16.7
150-199 78 39.4
200-249 48 24.2
250-299 23 11.6
300≤ 16 8.1
Total working experience 1-5 year 98 49.5
6-10 year 60 30.3
11 year≤ 40 20.2
Preventive program Yes 71 35.9
No 127 64.1
Total 198 100
Table 3.
The level of job satisfaction factors
Variable Subfields M±S.D
Professional pride I am proud of where I work and my responsibilities. 3.30±0.81
I have an attachment to what I am doing at my job. 3.42±0.86
Our hospital offers me worthwhile work and an opportunity to develop myself. 3.23±0.88
I can display my full potential and ability at my job. 3.24±0.81
Total 3.30±0.73
Ability to work I have a lot of authority that can determine important tasks in my current job. 2.80±0.90
My work has been proven trustworthy in my current job 3.29±0.78
My work place is interesting and well fit to me. 3.11±0.88
I enjoy my sense of accomplishment from my job. 3.21±0.82
I am displaying my ability and talent sufficiently in hospital duty. 3.16±0.78
I get encouragement and support on my decisions for medical care. 3.27±0.82
Total 3.14±0.69
Workenvironment Our hospital’s working environment is better than other hospitals. 3.31±0.79
Our hospital’s staff facilities (changing locker room, employee lounge) are well equipped. 3.39±0.96
Our hospital’s safety facilities (x-ray defense, ventilation system) are well equipped. 3.47±0.88
Our hospital’s fixed closing time gives me the time to invest on my self-development. 2.85±1.05
Total 3.26±0.66
Compensation Reception of salary, and employee benefits befitting of our ability. 2.95±0.93
Our hospital’s salary is befitting of my ability and experience in the job. 3.00±0.75
My salary depends on my ability at my work. 3.01±0.87
I am willing to work at my current job in any situation. 3.25±0.96
I am satisfied with my salary. 2.89±0.89
Total 3.01±0.73
Colleagues relationship I can discuss the common problems and work with colleagues. 3.81±0.78
I have my colleagues and superiors to help solve my problems and difficulties. 3.94±0.77
We analyze and evaluate results among colleagues, reflecting on working performance. 3.49±0.80
There is great co-operation between different sectors of the work-place 3.56±0.75
All the staff of our hospital have a positive relationship regardless of position. 3.70±0.79
We help each other when we have difficult tasks to perform. 3.78±0.78
Total 3.71±0.59
Patient relationship I have to respond to the needs and expectations being presented by the patient. 3.39±0.67
I listen to the concerns of the patient or guardian. 3.63±0.71
I have deep interest and affection for the concerns and well-being of my patients. 3.56±0.76
I think that it is important to understand and sympathize with the feelings of the patient. 3.93±0.70
Total 3.63±0.61

Level of total job satisfaction 3.34±0.54

Table 4.
The general characteristics of job satisfaction
Characteristics Categories N Job satisfaction
Marital status Married 55 3.57±0.55 <0.001***
Single 143 3.26±0.52
Age ≥25 62 3.30±0.46 <0.001***
26-30 65 3.23±0.59
31-35 39 3.30±0.41
36-40 14 3.47±0.61
41≤ 18 3.88±0.54
Education College 159 3.33±0.52 0.002**
University 33 3.26±0.57
Graduate School 6 4.09±0.56
Type of hospital Dental hospital 79 3.37±0.47 0.573
Dental clinic 119 3.32±0.59
Income 100-149 33 3.43±0.42 <0.001***
150-199 78 3.14±0.57
200-249 48 3.28±0.42
250-299 23 3.62±0.45
300≤ 16 3.93±0.51
Work experience 1-5 98 3.22±0.54 <0.001***
6-10 60 3.34±0.45
11-15 19 3.50±0.55
16≤ 21 3.79±0.55
Preventive program Yes 71 3.38±0.51 0.403
No 126 3.31±0.55
Total 3.34±0.54

P-value by t-test, One-way ANOVA. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.

Table 5.
Internal marketing, Practice performance, Job satisfaction multiple regression analysis
Professional pride Ability to work Work environment Compensation Colleagues relationship Patient relationship
Internal marketing
Structural factors .331** .117** .251** .027 .208** .108
(5.67) (1.72) (3.35) (.419) (2.730) (1.579)
Communication system .301** .342** .156* ̈260** .186* .272**
(5.14) (5.00) (2.070) (4.03) (2.433) (3.960)
Compensation factors .307** ̈270** .211** .540** .192** .197**
(5.97) (4.50) (3.198) (9.59) (2.875) (3.269)
Practice performance
Oral health education .173** .101 .122* .014 .121 .246**
(3.50) (1.74) (1.925) (.254) (1.871) (4.235)
Preventive treatment -.054 -.037 .009 -.023 .098 ̈044
(-1.03) (-.067) (.129) (-.405) (1.437) (.713)
Clinic assistance .040 .178** .060 -.088 -.004 .113*
(.817) (3.13) (.958) (-1.648) (-.062) (1.971)
Administration&management .081 .160** .132* .000 .040 .228**
(1.646) (2.77) (2.076) (-.008) (-.613) (3.935)
R2 .561 .402. .276 .470 .253 .396
F 34.652 18.239 10.337 24.094 9.199 17.806

Numbers in the table are standardized coefficients (t value), the constant term is not displayed. *P<.05, **P<.01.

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